About Me

I’m going to speak from experience and completely anecdotally this isn’t medical advice, this isn’t a way to guarantee success in anything that you’re looking to get answers for – this is just a way of me sharing some little insight into the world and hopefully help somebody who is in a similar position or can relate.

I am studying Medicine in the UK and I couldn’t have got to where I am now without a lot of figuring things out and trying to leverage my strengths and revealing my weaknesses.

You will hopefully relate to this blog if you experience one or more of the following:

Autism/Asperger’s syndrome
Depression/Mood swings/Fatigue
Anxiety Disorder(s)
Were told you were a “Gifted child”
Being directionless in life
Body Dysmorphia
Wanting to become a Medical professional.


This Site is a work in progress, so please bear with me!